Double Pitch Skylight
The double pitch Lane-Aire skylight meets applications where the lighting effects of a ridge are desired on a flat roof. It can be ordered to meet any size or pitch requirements needed.
The ridge skylight by Lane-Aire is designed to meet those special applications where natural lighting and aesthetics combine to make the skylight an integral part of the roof at the ridge. The design may be fabricated to meet special requirements of roof pitch and sizes as needed by the application.
The curved barrel vault skylight by Lane-Aire provides the option of a curved silhouette in applications too large for a standard dome skylight. It is available in a number of widths and can be single or double glazed with glass or acryllic plastic.
The Lane-Aire segmented barrel vault skylight offers the same curved silhouette and size options as the curved barrel vault yet eliminates the need for glassbending, therefore providing a more cost efficient design. It is also available single or double glazed in glass or acrylic plastic.
The Lane-Aire pyramid skylight will enclose large areas where shelter is necessary, but natural light is desired. This can include atriums, interior patios, passageways, and other weather sheltered areas. It can be adapted to a number of sizes and pitches. Larger sizes will be shipped in sections to facilitate handling.
The Lane-Aire multi-faceted pyramid skylight provides shelter while giving the architect or builder a number of design options on openings with more than four sides. It can be fabricated at a number of sizes or pitches to provide the particular aesthetic and lighting effects desired.
The hip-ridge skylight by Lane-Aire offers a pyramidal effect within a rectangular opening. It can be adapted to a variety of applications and built to your specifications.
The Lane-Aire lean-to skylight is especially engineered to give the architect or builder an option of putting skylights in sloped areas or in the outer perimeter of a building. This unit allows natural light to grow plants and gives a sun-deck effect. Installation is water-tight.
The LANE_AIRE flat skylight was created for energy saving, low cost, and ease of installation. It can be installed on flat or pitched roofs. The skylight can be obtained in various shades of glass or acryllic plastic. It is also available as double glazed or Thermo Pane®. This skylight is very desirable when a low silhouette is wanted.